Susan Hefuna fertigt seit 2001 ihre auffälligen graffitiartigen Textilarbeiten an. Mit ihren Kostümen und textilen Wandarbeiten greift sie auf eine Vielzahl von Einflüssen und Traditionen aus aller Welt zurück und hat dabei ihre eigene, einzigartige künstlerische Sprache entwickelt.
Susan Hefuna, I_21, Detail
Hefuna works with Egyptian cotton, creating connected dots and lines, structures familiar from her multilayered drawings.The structures appear like constellations, a stellar network stretching out against a night-time sky of the black cotton, a galaxy of letters, shapes and colors. The collages trigger varying emotions and feelings in the viewer.
Susan Hefuna, Angst Eats Soul, Detail
Susan Hefuna, Berliner Häs, Detail
Susan Hefuna, Berliner Häs, Detail
"...Hefuna's work is perhaps the suggestion of the palimpsest that is seemingly the most provocative, not only in its sense of commensurate masking, but in the sense that it actively connotes feelings of hidden injustice that Hefuna has latterly brought to light. For as Derrida once suggested, the palimpsest presents the spectrality of the present moment, while containing aspects of the past hidden inside it as an inferred projective future…"
Excerpt, Mark Gibourne, 25. Septemner 2020