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Geboren 1959
Lebt und arbeitet in London



Works On Paper, Cook Latham Gallery, London, UK                                       

Love is Black, Galerie Volker Diehl, Berlin, Deutschland 



Your Top Is My Bottom, kuratiert von Frank Lamy, Transpalette Centre D’Art Contemporain, Bourges, Frankreich

ONLINE: Love in Lockdown, Cooke Latham Gallery, London, UK



Smile Please, Peer Gallery, London, UK



Work Gallery, London, UK (Blackdog Publishing)

Galerie Volker Diehl, Berlin, Deutschland 



Argy Bargy, Filet, London, UK



Dirty Pot xxx, Galerie Volker Diehl, Berlin, Deutschland



Full English, Robert Goff Gallery, New York, USA 

English Painting 2009-2010 (below the belt), Galerie Volker Diehl, Berlin, Deutschland



English Painting 2009-2010 –below the belt- , Galerie Volker Diehl, Berlin, Deutschland



Silverspoons and Dirty Grooms, Goff+Rosenthal, New York, USA



Lullaby for Marie-Strange, Letgo and Rabbit, Galerie du jour, Agnes b., Paris, Frankreich 

Galerie Römerapotheke, Zürich, Schweiz

Works from the Falckenberg Collection, Sammlung Falckenberg, Hamburg, Deutschland



Banks Cream and the Somerset Owls, FRED, London, UK



Open Country followed by HomeTruths, Galerie Volker Diehl, Berlin, Deutschland

Clouds Hill, Galerie Römerapotheke, Zürich, Schwiez



Simon English Figures, Rhodes + Mann, London, UK



Nobody loves me, Galleri Christian Dam, Oslo, schweden



Performance: Drawing Out Loud, Chisenhale Dance Space, London, Chisenhale Live Arts Award, UK



Project Room, Milch, London, UK

Double and Twist, Laurent Delaye, London, UK



Entwistle Gallery and Laurent Delaye, London, UK



Laurent Delaye, London, UK




Crocodile Cradle, kuratiert von Simon Moretti, Peer Gallery, London, UK 

The Drawing Biennial 2021, the Drawing Room, London, UK



Backyard Sculpture, Curated by Neil Gall and David Gates, Domobaal, London, UK

Drawing Biennial 2019, Drawing Room, London, UK



The Ashtray Show West, Belmacz Gallery, London, UK

Gut Flora, MOCA, London, UK

Men and Masculinity, Louisiana Museum, Dänemark



Rohkunstbau XXIII, The Beauty of Difference, kuratiert von Mark Gisbourne, Schloss Lieberose, Brandenburg, Deutschland 



Ecko Art Salon, kuratiert von Roberto Ekholm,  London, UK
Now is Permitted, Swedenborg House, kuratiert von Bridget Smith, London, UK



Un regard sur La Collection d'agnes b, L.A.M, curated by Marc Donnadieu, Lille, Frankreich 

Sense Uncertainty. A Private collection, Collection Thomas Koerfer, Kunsthaus Zurich, Zurich, Schweiz

Cherche le Garçon,  MAC VAL, curated by Frank Lamy Musee D’Art Contemporain du Val-de-Marne, Paris, Frankreich



Bad Copy, kuratiert von  Janette Parris, Cardiff Story Museum, Wales
Paper, SMAC Art Gallery, kuratiert von Keith Coventry und Helen Pritchard
Capetown, Südafrika



The Get together, kuratiert von  Roberto Ekholm. Swedjegatan 5c, Schweden

Emoi & moi, MAC VAL, Musee D’Art Contemporain du Val-de-Marne, Paris, Frankreich

Code de Nuit, kuratiert von Cecile Paris, Galerie Delacroix, French Institute, Tangiers, Marocco

Alison Goldfrapp-Performer as Curator, The Lowry Museum, Salford, UK

Artists make Faces, Kuratiert von Monika Kinley O.B.E, Plymouth City Museum, Plymouth, UK



Böse Blumen (Bad Flowers), Galerie Volker Diehl, Berlin, Deutschland 

Artists Invite Friends, Michael Fuchs Galerie, Berlin, Deutschland 

Pride, Clifford Chance, curated by Dr Michael Petry, London, UK

The Mechanical Hand, Paupers Press, Kings Place Gallery, London, UK

Friends and Family, Kenny Schachter, ROVE, London, UK
The Bellevue Bridge, Galerie Romerapotheke, Zurich, Schweiz

New Acquisitions, The Louisiana Museum, Kopenhagen, Dänemark



I wish you well, Vegas, London, UK

The House of Fairy Tales, Tate Britain, London, UK
Unpunished, Kuratiert Von Nayland Blake, Sue Scott Gallery, New York, U.S.A



Director´s Choice, ARKEN Museum of Modern Art, Dänemark

Don´t look back in Anger, Kenny Schachter ROVE, London, UK

Peeping Tom, Vegas Gallery, London, UK

Recent Prints (Room 29), Tate Britain, London, UK



Aspects of Collecting, Essl Museum Kunst der Gegenwart, Klosterneuburg, Österreich

La Collection d´art contemporain, agnesb, Salon du dessin contemporain, Paris, Frankreich

New Acquisions, The Louisiana Museum, Kopenhagen, Dänemark

The House of Fairy Tales, The New Art Gallery Walsall, London, UK



The Dulcet Clime of the Bedchamber…, Goff + Rosenthal, Berlin, Deutschland

Sex, Drugs and Rock&Roll, OSP Gallery, Steven Zevitas, Boston, USA



Scary Tales, Filiale, Berlin, Deutschland 

Getting on mother’s nerves - psychological drama and contemporary drawing, Mother's Tank Station, Dublin, Ireland

Flip, Chung King Projects/ FA Projects, Los Angeles, USA

Simon and Sarah, Platform-3, London, UK

Today even the Drawers are Winners, Klara Wallner Galerie, Berlin, Deutschland

Thank you for the Music, Interfaces between Visual Arts and Music, Sprüth/Magers, München, Deutschland



Drawing, Büro für Kunst, Dresden, Deutschland

The Armory Show, New York, USA

Erotic Drawing, Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art and Touring, Ridgefield, USA



Hidden Histories,The New Art Gallery Walsall, USA

Je m’installer aux abattoirs!  Agnes B. Her Private Collection Les Abattoirs, Toulouse, Frankreich



It’s Only Words, Mirror, London College of Printing, London, UK

The Green Room, Percy Miller Gallery, London, UK



It is a Wonderful Life, The Apartment, Athens, Griechenland

Agnes b, Galerie du Jour, Paris, Frankreich



In Your Dreams, fa1 contemporary art, London, UK

Mommy Dearest, Gimpel Fils, London, UK

Include me Out, Unit 6, London, UK



Sampling, Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, New York, USA

Il luogo degli Angeli, Ex Manufactura Tabaschi, Citta Sant’Angelo, Italien

Passion, Gasworks, London, UK

54 x 54, MOCA, Financial Times Building, London



Body Double, Winston Wachter Fine Art, New York

Leisure, Glassbox, Paris, Frankreich 

Traffic of Night in Paradise, Vriefhuif Amerika, Amsterdam, Niederlande

FIAC 98, Galerie du Jour Agnes b., Paris, Frankreich



29eme Festival International de la Peinture, Les Musee de Cagnes-sur-Mer 

Afternoon in the Park, Laurent Delaye Gallery, London

Victoria, Laurent Delaye, London



Body Double, Winston Wachter Fine Art, New York

Leisure, Glassbox, Paris, Frankreich

Traffic of Night in Paradise, Vriefhuif Amerika, Amsterdam, Niederlande

FIAC 98, Galerie du Jour Agnes b., Paris, Frankreich



29eme Festival International de la Peinture, Les Musee de Cagnes-sur-Mer 

Afternoon in the Park, Laurent Delaye Gallery, London, UK

Victoria, Laurent Delaye, London, UK



Laurent Delaye at The Fete Worse Than Death, London, UK 

Young British III, Saatchi Collection, London, UK



Four Day Display, Birch and Conran, London, UK 

pen Exhibition, Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK 

Zeitungen und Periodika

FUKT Magazine for Contemporary Drawing, 14. Ausgabe


Ansanay Alex, Guillaume, "Émoi & moi, au Mac/Val", Carpe Weber, 12. März 2013
Rose, Sean, "Exploring the Artist's Inner World", France 24: International breaking news and headlines.
"Émoi & moi", Groupement des Intellectuels Aveugles ou Amblyopes.


Bello Magazine, „Robert Goff“, Mai 2010 
Indrisek, Scott,   „Simon English“, Art, März 2010 
Valdez, Aldrin, „Simon English (and his dirty holes)“, East Village Boys,  August 2010  
Reuter, Alicia, „Simon English“, Artnews, März 2010 
"Simon English", Mute Magazine Volume 3., 8 page feature, Mai 2010
Horvath, Erno „Schneidelmeister: Simon English bei Volker Diehl“, Die Welt,  Jan 8


Brodauf, Julia, “Wilde Herzen,”, Tagesspiegel, Jan 30 2010
"Directors Choice: Arken - Museum of Modern Art, Ishoj, Denmark", Wanafoto: art & imaging blogline, 26 Juni 2010


"Feature", 10 page project,  Dazed and Confused,  Vol. 2, 67. Ausgabe, Frieze Edition, Nov 2008
Bobula, Kasia, “Simon Says”, Useless Magazine, 8. Ausgabe, Okt 2008, p. 31 
“Mulberry Project”, ArtReview, Okt 2008 
Finel Honigman, Ana,“Simon English‘s Limited Edition Mulberry Bag”, Dazed Digital,  Okt 1, 2008 
Finel Honigman, Ana, “Mulberry’s Take on the Tote”,, Sept 29, 2008 
Horank, Francesa, The London Paper, Sept 19, 2008 
Rappolt, Mark , “Simon English: Lullaby for Marie-Strange, and „Letgo Rabbit”, Art Review, 19. Ausgabe, Feb 2008, p.127


Finel Honigman, Ana, "Simon English at Fred", Art in America,  Jan 2007 
 "Vernissages", Les Inrockuptibles, 624. Ausgabe, S. 84, 13 - 19 Nov 2007 
Laurent Boudier, Telerama, 28 Nov 2007 
 „English language“,, Nov 8 2007
René-Worms, Pablo „Wayne Rooney chez agnes b“, So Foot, 50. Ausgabe, Dez 2007


Coulson, Amanda, "Modern Painters" , Dez 5, 2006 - Jan 6, 2007 
"Interview with Rebecca Wilson", Saatchi Gallery Magazine, 2006
"Interview with Peter Wolf", Hello London,  Okt 2006 
Bosse, Lisa, "Artist Profile: I Can’t Draw Horses”, Die Welt, Aug 26, 2006 
Coxhead, Gabriel, “Crossing the Line", Financial Times, März 30, 2006


Wilson, Andrew, “Winter reading”, Art Monthly, Dez, 2005 - Jan, 2006
Galliano, Joseph, "Book Review", Gay Times, Okt 2005
Rappolt, Mark, "Book Review", Modern Painters, Sep 2005 
“Simon English, Clouds Hill, Galerie Römerapotheke”, Züritipp, 2005
Wilson, Rebecca,  "Book Review", ArtReview,  Juli 2005
Genocchio, Benjamin, “The Erotic Goes Mainstream” New York Times, Mai 8
Harris, Larissa, ‘Erotic Drawing’, Art Forum, Sept 2005
Pearse, Emma, " After The Wall", FT Magazine, 24 Sept 2005


LaFuente, Pablo, " Review: Simon English, Rhodes + Mann", Art Monthly, Mai 2004
"Interview with Kathy Kubicki", Audio Arts Magazine, vol 22
Geldard, Rebecca, Time Out London, April 21st - 28th 
Dyer, Richard,  "News: London", Contemporary, April 2004 
Shuckburgh, Hannah, “Be Yourself", Art Review, März 2004


Wilsher, Mark, "The Green Room",  Art Monthly, März 2002


Smith, Caroline, "Wonderland", Attitude,  Mai 2001
Zefkili, Despina, Athinorama, Daily Newspaper, April 2001 
Arfara, Katia, " To Vima", Daily Newspaper, 6 April 2001
Fokidis, Marina, Symbol,  April 2001


Wilson, Michael, "In Your Dreams", Art Monthly, Juli – August 2000 
Kent, Sarah, Time Out London, 7-14 Juni , 2000 
Hubbard, Sue, Independent on Sunday, 4 Juni 2000 
Rose Aidin, Evening Standard, 26 Mai 2000


Schendener, Martha, Time Out New York, 1-8. Juli  1999 
Newhall, Edith, “Mad About Art,” New York Magazine, 4 Jan 1999


Carey Parkes, James,  "Simon English: Body of Art", Gay Times, August 1998 
Kent, Sarah, Time Out London, 22-29 Juli 1998


Currah, Mark, Time Out London, 23-30 Juli 1997


Dyer, Richard, CODE Magazine, März 1996 


Pink Paper, 19 - 26 Juni, 1995
Dutt, Robin, What’s On,  7 Juni, 1995 
Hubbard, Sue, Time Out London,  7-14 Juni , 1995 
Gale, Ian, Independent,  6 Juni, 1995 
Adams, Georgina, Daily Telegraph, 25 Feb 1995


Haden-Guest, Antony, Art and Auction, Dez 1994 
Wilson, Andrew, A. Magazine,  Winter 1994 
Dyer Richard, Art Press, Nov 1994 
Norman, Geraldine, Independent, Juli 1994 
Copper, Emmanuel, Gay Times, Juli 1994 
Gale, Ian, Independent, 28 Juni 1994 
Cork, Richard, The Times, Feb 1994 
Kent, Sarah, Time Out London, February 1994 
Hall, James, Guardian,  January 31 1994 
Dorment, Richard, Telegraph, 28 Jan 1994 
Milner, Catherine, The Times,  28 Jan 1994 
Packer, William, Financial Times, 28 Jan 1994


Dyer, Richard, Art Press, Nov 1993



Kaleidoscope, Radio 4, Tim Marlowe, 29 Juli 1995


Kaleidoscope, Radio 4, Tim Marlowe, 4 Feb 1994


Jackson, Hendrik, Stauffer, Verena, O'Reilly, Sally & Scott, Laurence, Simon English: my big self decoy JUSTin BEiber, London: Black Dog Publishing
Gisbourne, Mark, XXIII. Rohkunstbau - The Beauty of Difference, Potsdam: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Brandenburg, 2017
Tugny, Emmanuel, OBIT, Toulouse: Gwen Catalá Éditeur, 2017
(Illustrationen; Cover-Illustration)
Lewis, Jenny, Hackney Studios, London: Hoxton Mini Press, 2017        


Becker, Christoph et al, Sinnliche Ungewissheit. Eine Private Sammlung, Ausst.-Kat., Zurich: Kunsthaus Zurich, 2015
Connell, Raewyn et al, Chercher le Garçon, Ausst.-Kat., Paris: Éditions du MAC/VAL, 2015


Düttmann, Alexander Garcia and Rut Blees Luxemburg, The Academic Year, London: Self Publish Be Happy Editions, 2014


Perruso, Alison ed, Who's Who in American Art 33rd Edition, New Jersey: Marquis Who's Who, 2013.
Lamy, Frank and Stéphane Léger, Émoi & moi, exh cat, Paris: Éditions du MAC/VAL, 2013
Petry, Dr. Michael, Nature Morte: Contemporary Artists Reinvigorate the Still-Life Tradition, London: Thames 6 Hudson, 2013


Taylor, Michael, The Mechanical Hand: Artist's Projects at Paupers Press, London: Black Dog Publishing, 2012
Schachter, Kenny, Friends & Family, Ausst.-Kat., London: Rove books, 2012
Who's Who in American Art 32 Edition, New Jersey, Marquis Who's Who, 2012


Who's Who in American Art 31st Edition, New Jersey: Marquis Who's Who, 2011


Sex, Ausst.-Kat., London, Phillips de Pury and Company, 2010


Tojner, Poul Erik, Aspects of Collecting, Ausst.-Kat., Klosterneuburg: Editionssammlung, 2009
b., Agnes, Collection Agnès b., Zurich: JRP | Ringler, 2009
Tojner, Poul Erik, New Acquisitions, Ausst.-Kat., Copenhagen: Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2009


Petry, Dr. Michael, Golden Rain, Volumes 1 and 2, London: MOCA, London; Naerbo: Ha gamle prestegard, 2008
Natalie Talek,Ausst.-Kat., Paris: Éditions du MAC/VAL, 2008 (illustration)


McCarthy, tom, Tintin and the Secret Art of Literature, London: Granta Publishing, 2006 (Illustration)


Arning, bill, Santacatterina, Stella and Mann, Fred, Simon English and the Army Pink Snowman, London: Black Dog Publishing, 2005
Horodner, Stuart, Kellner, Sara, Philbrick, Harry, Contemporary Erotic Drawing, Ausst.-Kat., Connecticut: Aldrich Museum, 2005


Petry, Dr Michael, Hidden Histories, London: Artmedia Press, 2004


The Saatchi Gift to the Arts Council Collection, Ausst.-Kat., London: Hayward Gallery Publishing, 2000


Kent, Sarah, Cork, Richard and Price, Dick, Young British Art: The Saatchi Decade, London: Booth-Clibborn Editions, 1999
Bianchi, Renato, Il Luogo degli Angeli, Ausst.-Kat., Citta Sant'Angelo: Museolaboratorio Ex Manufactura Tabaschi, 1999


Gisbourne, Mark, 29eme Festival International de la Peinture, Ausst.-Kat., Cagnes-sur-Mer: Musée Renoir, 1997


Kent, Sarah, Young British Artists III, Ausst.-Kat., London: Saatchi Collection, 1994
Kent, Sarah, Shark Infested Waters: The Saatchi Collection, London: Zwemmer, 1994



MAC/VAL Tote Bag, Paris, 2015


Print for The House of Fairy Tales, kuratiert von Deborah Curtis and Gavin Turk, London, 2008
ICONOfly, Ausgabe 4, Paris and New York, 2008
Mulberry Tote Bag, London, 2008


The Breeder, Ausgabe 5, Athens, 2002


Victoria Magazine, Ausgabe 3, 1998


Essl Collection, Österreich
Sammlung Falckenberg, Deutschland
Arts Council of England
Saatchi Collection, England
Paisley Museum, Schottland
British Museum
Agnes b Collection, Frankreich
The Burger Collection, Schweiz
The Schacter Collection
The Government Art Collection
The Museum of Israel
Walsall Museum